
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Announcing a new handicap

Announcing a new handicap scooter design that will revolutionize the present handicap scooter industry.

By Anonymous

March 13, 2004--This new scooter was designed by Walter Elfelt, a survivor of 2 hemorragic strokes, leaving him paralyzed on the right side with loss of speech. With no insurance at the time he had no way of being mobile, so he designed and made one for himself,working with only his left arm and the help of his friend Ed Samuels.

Many people are in the same circumstance.

Mr. Elfelts' goal is to enable people to lead a more productive life. Another goal is to be able to eventually produce when monies are procured to sell these scooters and to donate them to people who still cannot afford them. No one can imagine how it feels to be immobile permanently.

Further information can be obtained by mail to, 101 Pimlico St. Suite 14, Long Beach,MS 39560

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